1. Tell us what you want. Perhaps it sounds obvious but if you (we) know what you’re looking for, we’ll be in a much better position to help
  2. Be straightforward in your dealings with us. This is key. Really. Keep us in the loop and please let us know if your circumstances change
  3. Network with your recruiter. Whilst he or she may not be able to conjure up the perfect job today, it can be a different story tomorrow. Things happen all the time: changes in hiring needs, promotions, unadvertised jobs, market developments…
  4. Don’t embellish who you are when you contact us. Truth has a way of always prevailing; you won’t get any thanks if your recruiter feels he or she has not been presented with a true picture
  5. Don’t act differently in a consultation/interview with a recruiter than you do during a ‘real’ interview with an employer. Rightly or wrongly, how you interview with a recruiter will affect how he or she sees you interacting with the company (who is also the recruiter’s client). No recruiter wants to look as though they have made a poor recommendation by putting forward somebody who doesn’t present themselves well
  6. If we can’t help you land a particular role for which you’re not a good fit, we’re sorry but it’s not our fault. We have to maintain a sound business relationship with companies we hire for. And doing this properly involves showing them we have a thorough understanding of who they need for the role in question. This means we simply can’t put forward applicants who are not suitable, no matter how much they want the job
  7. Following up with your recruiter post-application is a welcome sign of serious interest and to be applauded. But please refrain from being too demanding or overly persistent. Rest assured that your recruiter will contact you when there is news to report
  8. Trust us to get the best results. We’ve got the contacts as well as the specialist market knowledge to make things happen. Trust us to do our job

In closing, I believe that recruiters provide a valuable service when used properly. And it’s in our interests to take what we do seriously. We love it when we help an enlightened job-seeker who appreciates how best to work with us!

See also: Chartered Accountants: Enjoy Life in Bermuda

If you are a lawyer or chartered accountant and interested in working in the Bermuda/Caribbean region, visit our jobs portal to see the latest vacancies. Our site also includes a downloadable All You Need to Know guide which will tell you all you need to know about living and working offshore.