Whilst we all love the sun for the warm feeling it leaves on our skin, sunshine also brings other lesser-known benefits. From improved bone health to more restful sleep and even a reduced risk of developing some cancers, the sun’s rays can greatly benefit our health…
- Sunlight boosts your mood. Researchers at the Baker Heart Research Institute found that levels of serotonin directly correlate with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and this most often occurs during winter months when there are fewer hours of sunshine. More sunlight means better moods; less sunlight leads to symptoms of depression. So step outside on a sunny day!
- You get a better night’s sleep. Constant exposure to sunlight helps your body maintain its circadian rhythm, the cycle that regulates biochemical, physiological and behavioral processes. It helps make you feel tired when it’s dark outside and closer to the time when you need to go to sleep
- Sunlight lowers cholesterol. The sun converts high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and the hormones we need for reproduction. In the absence of sunlight, the opposite happens and substances can convert to cholesterol
- The sun’s light kills bad bacteria. A century ago the German solders of World War One knew of the discoveries that had been made in 1903 by Nobel Prize winner Niels Finsen so they used sunlight to help heal wounds
- It reduces surgery pain and associated stress. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University found that patients who were placed in bright rooms took less medication than patients in dark rooms. The study also found that even indirect exposure to sunlight – such as through the window – can improve your mood and feeling of wellbeing
- Sunlight builds the immune system. Your white blood cells increase with sun exposure, playing a major role in supporting the body’s defence against infection
- Sunlight can reduce cancer risks. Medical studies have linked vitamin D to protection against colon, kidney and breast cancers. Vitamin D is also linked to improvements in bone health and overall mortality. Additionally, by increasing your exposure to sunlight, you decrease your risk of getting neurological, cardiovascular and immune diseases
Sunlight therefore has many health benefits. So enjoy the sun in moderation, especially if you’re not used it. (Avoid sunburn by using a sunscreen protection and building up your tolerance gradually). Is it a bright sunny day? If so, get outside for a few minutes and you’ll feel better!
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