First preference for local professionals
Strict work permit regulations exist to ensure that locals* are given first preference for any positions of employment that arise in the Cayman Islands.
Advertising your job vacancy
This means that employers need to advertise any new job openings to gauge the interest of suitably experienced and qualified local job-seekers:
- Such advertisements must appear in the local newspaper, such as the Caymanian Compass, for two (2) consecutive weeks to allow any prospective applicants the chance to register interest
- As an employer, you must also register the vacancy with the National Workforce Development Agency which, among other responsibilities, assists local people in finding employment
Applying for a work permit
Only after all efforts to recruit locally have failed can you move to the next step of applying for a work permit. A standard visa will usually last for a fixed duration (often 2-5 years), after which time the re-advertising process must be repeated in case local talent has become available.
Types of work permit
There are two main types of work permit:
- Temporary work permits may be granted for a period no more than six months and usually takes 5-10 business days to process. These are used sparingly and only when circumstances justify it. An extra fee is involved
- A standard work permit, known as a Gainful Occupation Licence (GOL), may be granted for periods up to three years. A GOL may take up to three (3) months to process
The administration of work permits is the responsibility of the Department of Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC), which was formerly the Department of Immigration. Applications are the legal and financial obligation of the employer.
There is an emphasis at WORC on the training of local staff to ensure that they have an opportunity to develop their skills. The onus is therefore on any employer to demonstrate to WORC that they have tried to fill the position with a Caymanian.
It’s important to note that a prospective employee may not reside in Cayman when their work permit application is submitted, unless given permission to do so by the Chief Immigration Officer in exceptional circumstances.
A work permit is granted for a specific position with a specific employer. This means a work permit holder is not entitled to work in any other capacity or for any other employer, and that any significant changes to the person’s role within the organisation must be approved by WORC prior to the individual taking up a revised role.
The maximum period someone can remain in the Cayman Islands on a straight work permit is nine (9) years. Any person who has been legally and ordinarily resident in the Cayman Islands for a period of at least eight (8) years, but not more than nine (0) years, can apply for Permanent Residency status.
* Caymanians, Spouses of Caymanians, Permanent Residents and existing residents
Contact us today with details if you’d like assistance or to schedule an introductory call to see how we can help.
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